STATUS -- Initial sequence testing was attempted on the 18th but a miscommunication forced an abort of the test most of the way through. The imager should have been on a nitrogen purge prior to turning on the TEC but the purge hadn't been connected yet. The error was found before irreparable damage was done but the mistake did cost the team half a day in schedule. Once the batteries are re-charged the test will be repeated on the 19th.

Another minor setback was in the setup to do the sequence test for the sub-payload. Right now NSROC TM personnel are working to fix whatever glitches caused the error, but that also has to wait an extra half a day to get started compared to the original plan.

OUTLOOK -- Sequence test today (again), get ready for the rail after. Mating of the payload sections, installation of pyros, and boom deploy tests are all in the plans for the next couple days.

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